Please fill application in full, failure to do so may result in delay of interview
Date of Birth
Email Address
Mobile Number
Home Number
Contact Preferences EmailTelephonePost
Emergency Contact Name
Relationship to you
Telephone Number
Doctor's Name
Doctor's Telephone Number
Doctor's Surgery & Address
Driving License —Please choose an option—YesNo
Do you have your own transport to get to work? —Please choose an option—YesNo
Do you have any unspent criminal convictions? YesNo
If you answered yes to the question above please list them below.
Part OnePart TwoAdvanced
Site Work
Nip HandExperiencedSite Work
CarpenterBricklayerKitchen FitterOther
Site WorkerMaintenanceInternalExternal
Tape/JointersMaintenanceSite WorkLime Plasters
Gas SafeOftecHeatingBathroomsKitchens
1st Fix2nd FixJoinerBenchShutteringRoofing
MaintenanceBlockFacingPavingFlintSite Work
BoardingTape/JointersHoardingssite WorkMaintenance
17th EditionTestingDomesticCommercial
GangerForemanSite ManagerContracts ManagerProject ManagerQuantity SurveyorQuality SurveyorSenior Quality SurveyorOther
Nature of Business
Current Position
Start Date Notice Period (wks/mths)
Name of Current Employer Address of Current Employer Reason(s) for Leaving/Wishing to Leave
last 2 employer, not including current.
Name of Current Employer
Dates From
Dates To
Position Held
Reason for Leaving
Name of Previous Employer
Experience Number of Years of Construction Experience
Related Experience Other Required Experience
Education & Degrees
Training & Certification
Are you eligible to work in the UK? YesNo Are you able to provide confirmation that you are entitled to work in the UK? YesNo Are there and restrictions on your right to work in the UK? YesNo
Please note that you may be required to undergo a medical examination, which will include a drug and alcohol test before any offer of full time employment can be confirmed. A disability or health problem does not preclude full consideration for the job, and applications are welcome from people with disabilities.
Are you willing to have a medical examination when required? YesNo Do you require any special arrangements to enable you to attend an interview? YesNo If you have answered “Yes” to special arrangements, please state what is required.
Please provide the following medical information in order for us to assess whether you are able to carry out the requirements of the job, to ensure your personal safety and for us to comply with any statutory requirements. This information will be treated in the strictest confidence and will only be used in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
Do you now, or have you ever suffered from any of the following? Please select Yes or No in respect of each condition.
—Please choose an option—YesNo
Skin Cancer
Gastric Ulcers
Deafness/Ear Infections
Recurrent Back Pain
Chest Trouble
Eye Disorders
Hay Fever
Rheumatic Fever
Heart Problems
Alcohol dependency
Fits (e.g. epileptic)
Fainting attacks/giddiness
Nervous breakdown
Mental disorders
Drug dependency
If the answer is yes to any of these conditions, please give dates and details in the space provided below:
PB Recruitment Solutions Ltd (PBRS Ltd) is committed to a policy of equal opportunities for all work seekers.
We will review on an ongoing basis all aspects of recruitment to avoid unlawful or undesirable discrimination.
We will treat everyone equally irrespective of sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, age, disability, color, race, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, political beliefs or membership or non-membership of a Trade Union and we place an obligation upon all staff to respect and act in accordance with the policy.
PBRS Ltd shall not discriminate unlawfully when deciding which candidate/temporary worker is submitted for a vacancy or assignment or in any terms of employment or terms of engagement for temporary workers.
PBRS Ltd will ensure that each candidate is assessed only in accordance with the candidate’s merits, qualifications and ability to perform the relevant duties required by the vacancy.
Certain types of employment and professions are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and in those cases, particularly where the employment is sought in relation to positions involving working with children or vulnerable adults, details for all criminal convictions must be given.
The information given will be treated in the strictest of confidence and only taken into account where, in the reasonable opinion of PB Recruitment Solutions Ltd, the offence is relevant to the post to which you are applying.
Failure to declare a conviction may require us to exclude you from our register or terminate an assignment if the offence is not declared but later comes to light.
Do you have any unspent* criminal convictions? —Please choose an option—YesNo
If Yes, state convictions and dates
The following questions on health and disability are asked in order to find out your needs in terms of reasonable adjustments to access our recruitment service and to find out your needs in order to perform the job or position sought.
Do you have any health issues or disability which may make it difficult for you to carry out functions which are essential for the role you seek?
The information that you provide on this form and on any CV given will be used by PB Recruitment Solutions Ltd to provide you work finding services.
In providing this service to you, you consent to your personal data being included on a computerised database and consent to us transferring your personal details to our Clients (hirers and potential employers).
We may check the information collected with third parties or with other information held by us.
We may also use or pass to certain third parties information to prevent or detect crime, to protect public funds, or in other ways permitted or required by law.
I hereby confirm that the information given is true and correct.
I consent to my personal data and CV being forwarded to potential employers and hirers.
I consent to references being requested from my previous workplace (s) and to references being passed onto potential employers and hirers.
If, during the course of an assignment, the client (i.e. hiring company) wishes to employ me direct, I acknowledge that PB Recruitment Solutions will be either entitled to charge the Client and introduction fee, or to agree an extension of the hiring period with the Client.
Your Name Date
Do you have immigration permission to work in the UK? —Please choose an option—YesNo
In line with “UK Visas and Immigration” guidance on the prevention of illegal working, we will need to verify and take a copy of your original ID documentation as evidence of your right to work in the UK if you are to be engaged by PB Recruitment Solutions Ltd for temporary work.
Due to changes in Employment Law it is now illegal to work for more than 48 hours per week unless you sign this form. If you do not sign this form we will not be able to process any timesheet with hours in excess of 48 hours.
The Working Time Regulation 1998 (“the Regulations” provide that the average working time including overtime) does not exceed 48 hours for each 7-day period. The Company and the Temporary Worker agree that this limit shall not apply to the Employee and the Employee may be required by the Company to work in excess of an average of 48 hours for each 7 days in successive periods of 17 weeks. This Agreement shall remain in force indefinitely although the Temporary Worker may revoke this agreement at any time by giving not less than one months notice to the Company at the address set out above. This Agreement constitutes notice pursuant of Regulation 5 of the Regulations that the Temporary Worker agrees to exclude the maximum of 48 hours as set out above.
PB Recruitment Solutions Ltd (PBRS Ltd) is committed to a policy of equal opportunities for all work seekers. We will review on an ongoing basis all aspects of recruitment to avoid unlawful or undesirable discrimination. We will treat everyone equally irrespective of sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, age, disability, colour, race, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, political beliefs or membership or non-membership of a Trade Union and we place an obligation upon all staff to re-spect and act in accordance with the policy.
PB Recruitment Solutions Ltd shall not discriminate unlawfully when deciding which candidate/temporary worker is submitted for a vacancy or assignment or in any terms of employment or terms of engagement for temporary workers. PB Recruitment Solutions Ltd will ensure that each candidate is assessed only in accordance with the candi-date’s merits, qualifications and ability to perform the relevant duties required by the vacancy.
Name and Full Address Post Code Telephone Number Occupation Working Relationship
Name and Full Address Post Code Telephone Number Occupation
Can we contact your present employer? [select* "Now" "After Interview" "After Offer had Been made and Accepted"] To provide consent for us to action references as specified please out your name in the box Date
I confirm that all the information provided is true and complete and that I understand that any falsification or deliberate omissions "may disqualify my application" or "lead to my dismissal". I confirm that I am entitled to work in the UK and can provide original documentation to confirm this. I understand that my employment is subject to satisfactory references.
I consent to the information I have given on this application form and in all other enclosed documentation being held, used and updated under the security safeguards of the Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR May 25th 2018.
Your Name
Do you have your own transport to get to work? YesNo Do you have a Driving License YesNo Are you over 25? YesNo
AccountsAgricultureTransportWarehouseAutomotiveConstructionPublic ServicesFood & BeverageHealth ServicesHospitalityManufacturingAdmin / Office
Other (specify)
I confirm that I am happy to be contacted by PB Recruitment Solutions in relation to this job application and for my application to be stored on file.
Note: By clicking 'Submit Application' below, you are digitally signing the contents of this application.